As new European Commission headed by President Ursula von der Leyen takes shape, the Lisbon Council looks at the challenge – and potential – of driving and fostering more scale ups in Europe. How can Europe create the framework conditions for helping companies take Europe’s advanced science, world-leading design and first-rate service economy across borders and into the world? The question is not an idle one. European prosperity is built upon commercial success and economic opportunity. That’s why the single market was created. That’s why President von der Leyen – buoyed by Much More than a Market, the Letta report, and the forthcoming competitiveness report from Mario Draghi – vowed in her election speech: “Our first priority will be prosperity and competitiveness,” adding “Europe’s destiny hinges on what we do next”

Working directly with Europe’s fastest growing start-ups, the Lisbon Council will lead a unique initiative – focusing not on the rules and regulations that need to be repealed but on the way the levers of state can be mobilised and modified to encourage cross-border expansion and economic success. The initiative will not retread old ground or seek to revive broken policies; there are enough failed ideas on the European landscape to populate a landfill. Instead, it will look directly at recent success, drawing lessons from the policy initiatives that delivered and the way these policies can be built into a powerful new economic initiative, one where society, regulation and business march hand in hand towards better progress. It’s a tall order; but not an impossible one. We hope you will have the opportunity to join us on this important journey.