May 2017
Free Movement of Data: A New Framework in the Digital Age

Is it “the new oil,” the new “currency,” or just the vital new variable in the factors of production (labour + capital + data = economic growth)? At the end of the day, it’s data – the most important raw material for success in the age of advanced data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning. At this high-level working lunch on the Free Movement of Data: A New Framework for Europe in the Digital Age, senior policymakers and top experts discussed a new framework for making Europe a successful data economy. Kaspar Kala, adviser at the state information systems department at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications in Estonia, outlined the Estonian Government’s priorities and plans for their upcoming Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Paul Hofheinz, president and co-founder, and David Osimo, chief policy analyst, at the Lisbon Council presented the main findings of their forthcoming study: Moving Europe into the Data Economy: A New Framework for Free Movement of Data in the Digital Age. The policy brief and wide-ranging debate will feed directly into the minister-level EU Presidency Conference on the Digital Single Market and the Free Movement of Data in Tallinn, Estonia.