Vittoria Barbieri

Senior Communication Manager

Sifted, ‘Startups are working overtime to reduce the massive climate impact of AI’

Sifted, a media outlet focusing on the European startup community and backed by the Financial Times, mentions the Sustainable Computing for a Sustainable Planet policy brief authored by Lisbon Council Research in a piece on the climate impact of artificial intelligence.


Press Release: Report Reveals Insights on Sustainable Computing and AI for Environmental Progress

A new report from Lisbon Council Research highlights the role of artificial intelligence (AI) for environmental responsibility and innovation, particularly in Europe. Entitled “Sustainable Computing for a Sustainable Planet,” the report produced in collaboration with NVIDIA explores how technological innovation in hardware and software can make environmental progress and AI not only compatible but deeply synergetic.


The Washington Post, ‘Russia Hasn’t Stopped Maneuvering for a Role in Internet Oversight’

The Washington Post, the most widely circulated newspaper within the Washington metropolitan area, quotes Konstatinos Komaitis, senior research and non-resident fellow at The Lisbon Council, on the United Nations stance on the internet policy issues.


Press Release: New Coalition Promises Govtech4all

The Lisbon Council announces that 21 leading government service-delivery agencies from 14 European countries launch #Govtech4all following a call from the European Commission for a European Union GovTech Incubator under the DIGITAL funding programme. The initiative is a four-year collaboration to innovate the way governments deliver citizen services digitally.


Euractiv, ‘SMEs Central to Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Climate Action, Say Stakeholders’

Euractiv, the pan-European news website specialised in European Union policies, presents the highlights of the High-Level Summit on Powering the Twin Transition hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the Lisbon Council on the role of artificial intelligence in achieving the European Union’s twin transition goals and summarises the main results of the landmark Lisbon Council publication Green, Digital and Competitive: An SME Agenda for the 21st Century.


La Nación, ‘Teniente de Alcalde de Kiev Defiende que “Incluso en Emergencia” Se Puede Digitalizar’

The daily Argentine newspaper La Nación publishes an article on Petro Olenych intervention at The 2022 UserCentriCities Summit convened by the Lisbon Council in Barcelona, Spain.


Catalan News, ‘What the World Can Learn from Ukraine’s Wartime Technology’

Catalan News publishes an article highlighting Petro Olenych, deputy mayor and chief digital transformation officer in Kyiv, excellent keynote at The 2022 UserCentriCities Summit: What Citizens Need, What Cities Can Deliver convened by the Lisbon Council in Barcelona, Spain.
