Vittoria Barbieri

Senior Communication Manager

News 360, ‘Deputy Mayor of Kiev Argues that «Even in an Emergency» Digitisation Is Possible’

News 360 publishes a summary of Petro Olenych, deputy mayor and chief digital transformation officer of Kyiv, keynote during The 2022 UserCentriCities Summit convened by the Lisbon Council in Barcelona, Spain.


ANSA, ‘Pmi Italiane 21esime nell’Unione Europea a 27 su Verde e Digitale’

Italy’s National Press Agency (ANSA) publishes an excerpt from Green, Digital and Competitive: An SME Agenda for the 21st Century, a recent policy brief presented during the European Union Green Week 2022. 


Press Release: Helsinki Wins UserCentriCities Award for Best User-Centric Service

Bringing together leading European cities and regions, policymakers and and thought leaders in user-centric local public administration, the UserCentriCities network convened The 2022 UserCentriCities Award Ceremony in Espoo, Finland to deliver the prize for the best user-centric service in Europe.

Mikko Rusama, chief digital officer of the city of Helsinki, accepted the award for the pre-primary education allocation service developed by the city and delivered proactively to parents by SMS.


Estonian Public Broadcasting, ‘Luukas Kristjan Ilves to Become New Digital Development Undersecretary’

Luukas Kristjan Ilves, former deputy executive director at the Lisbon Council, becomes Estonia’s Chief Information Officer.


Insider, ‘POWER PLAYERS: As the European Union Threatens to Break Up Big Tech, Meet 28 of the Lawmakers and Lobbyists Hashing Out the Rules on Everything from Antitrust to Net Neutrality’

Paul Hofheinz, president and co-founder of the Lisbon Council, features among the “power players” in the European Union’s big tech scene by Insider, the global news publication.


Financial Times, ‘The European Union’s Future Hinges on Italy’s Recovery Fund Reforms’

“Yet in that quarter of a century, some Italian governments made reform efforts that were more intensive than those of many other European Union countries. Except for during the past decade, a lack of investment was not the problem. Rather, the reason why these efforts achieved little boils down to the weakness of the rule of law and of political accountability in Italy. This sets the country apart from its eurozone peers and is Draghi’s biggest challenge.” So writes Andrea Lorenzo Capussela in the Financial Times and quotes the recent blogpost by Chief Economist Alessandro Leipold on the Forum on Why Italy is Crucial to the Recovery and Resilience Facility’s Success – and What the New Government Needs To Do.


PaRR, ‘European Commission Chief Economist Says Digital Markets Act Data Access Provisions Require Care – Lisbon Council’

In a new article, PaRR covers the High-Level Roundtable on Competition and Innovation: Why Europe Needs Dynamic Models in Digital Markets – and How Europe Can Build Them. It writes: “’We have to be careful as we move forward with things like interoperability and data access,’ Pierre Regibeau said during a Lisbon Council event (12 April) on innovation and the digital markets act. The position of chief economist is an independent role within the agency conferred on a rotating basis to an external expert.”
