Vittoria Barbieri

Senior Communication Manager

Telefonica Public Policy Blog,”About Green Shoots, White Walkers, Startups and Scaleups”

In its Public Policy Blog, Telefónica publishes an article on the findings of From Startups to Scale-Ups: Growing Europe’s Digital Economy, a hard-hitting policy brief on how to scale-up European businesses. The paper was launched in Startup Summit 2016 in Berlin by the European Digital Forum.


Science Business, “EU Commission Should Pick and Back Winners to Grow €1B”

Science Business publishes an analysis of From Startup to Scale-Up: Growing Europe’s Digital Economy, a policy brief by the European Digital Forum that proposes a ten-step programme for scaling-up European startups.


SiliconRepublic,”Things we Should Learn from the Highs and Lows of Start-up Life”

In an analysis of how startups can grow or fail, Silicon Republic quotes From Startup to Scale-Up: Growing Europe’s Digital Economy, a new policy brief by the European Digital Forum that proposes a 10-step plan for scaling up European businesses.


The Economist, “Temporary Relief”

In an article about the Greek bailout, the Economist quotes research results from The Euro Plus Monitor Spring 2016 Update, the latest edition of the bi-annual competitiveness ranking published by the Lisbon Council and Berenberg and includes a special focus on Greece, entitled “The Greek Tragedy”. It writes “According to the Lisbon Council, a think-tank, the six-month confrontation cost Greece more than €40 billion in lost output and revenues before Mr Tsipras capitulated, accepting harsh conditionality in return for an €86 billion bail-out.”


Bloomberg, “Uber’s CEO Wants to Fix Your Commute”

Travis Kalanick, CEO and co-founder of Uber Technologies Inc., delivered a fascinating keynote on novel ways to move people around cities at the High-Level Summit on ‘Ride-Share’ Revolution: How Technology Will Help Move People, Raise Productivity, Cut Emissions and Save Cities. Bloomberg Technology writes “Imagine if the 300,000 Brussels citizens driving into work this morning could pick somebody up and make a small profit from doing it,” Kalanick said. “More people would carpool, we’d have less congestion, the air would be less polluted, we’d all live in a better place. The city doesn’t even have to use taxes to make it happen.”


Kathimerini, “Greece’s Negotiations with its Creditors in 2015 Cost the Economy 45bn Euros”

Kathimerini publishes an extensive analysis of The Euro Plus Monitor Spring 2016 Update and the results for Greece. The Euro Plus Monitor Spring 2016 Update, is the latest edition of the bi-annual competitiveness ranking published by the Lisbon Council and Berenberg and includes a special focus on Greece, entitled “The Greek Tragedy”.

Download, “Lisbon Council, Italia Leader Riforme Nella Zona Euro Rispetto Raccomandazioni Ocse Salito da 32% a 55%” reports on The Euro Plus Monitor Spring 2016 Update, the latest edition of the bi-annual competitiveness ranking published by the Lisbon Council and Berenberg.
