November 2016
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Opportunity and Challenge

Greg Corrado, senior research scientist at Google and co-leader of Google’s large scale deep neural networks project, animated a fascinating discussion on the future of artificial intelligence at this High-Level Roundtable on the Opportunity and Challenge of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Christian D’Cunha, policy assistant to the European Data Protection Supervisor; Jens-Henrik Jeppesen, director of European affairs at the Centre for Democracy and Technology; Thibaut Kleiner, deputy head of cabinet of Günther Oettinger, European commissioner for digital economy and society; Dirk Staudenmayer, head of unit for contract law, directorate-general for justice and consumers at the European Commission; Vladimír Šucha, director-general of the Joint Research Centre; Paweł Świeboda, deputy head of the European Political Strategy Centre; António Vicente, head of cabinet of Carlos Moedas, European commissioner for research, science and innovation and Fabian Zuleeg, chief executive of the European Policy Centre, joined a high-level group of innovators, industry practitioners, policymakers and think tankers for a wide-ranging discussion. The dialogue was intellectually informed by a discussion paper prepared by Paul Hofheinz, president of the Lisbon Council.
The High-Level Roundtable on the Opportunity and Challenge of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning was part of the ongoing Industries of the Future initiative, a multi-disciplinary collaboration led by FTI Consulting, Google and the Lisbon Council.