March 2019

Millennial Moment: New Ideas for a New Economy

Weeks before crucial European elections, an eclectic gathering of pollsters, think tankers, policymakers and millennials convened in Brussels for the High-Level Summit on New Ideas for a New Economy: How Millennials Think About Life, Work, Politics and Social Security, a deep dive on the unique political thinking of the millennial generation and the future of work. Stephan Shakespeare, CEO and co-founder of YouGov, delivered The 2019 Ludwig Erhard Lecture, walking participants through the best evidence on the evolving economic and social perspective of the millennial generation. Elina Lepomäki, member of the Parliament of Finland and a card-carrying millennial, presented her innovative “Life Account” proposal, a portable social-security model for Europe. Ruth Paserman, deputy head of cabinet for Marianne Thyssen, commissioner for employment, social affairs, skills and labour mobility at the European Commission, weighed in on plans and priorities. The discussion was hosted by the Future of Work Laboratory, a centre of excellence managed by the Lisbon Council.