November 2010

Skills and Human Capital High-Level Working Group

The High-Level Working Group on Skills and Human Capital convened under the timely theme Creating and Maintaining Human Capital in an Age of Transformation. During highly interactive breakout sessions key practitioners discussed the most recent cutting-edge research and new thinking on skills and human capital. The event was kicked-off by Peer Ederer, director of the Human Capital Centre at the Lisbon Council, who gave an advance look at early conclusions from the Human Capital Index of European Regions project due to be published in 2011. Haizheng Li, special-term director of the China Center for Human Capital and Labour Market Research at Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing and professor of economics at Georgia Institute of Technology, presented his ongoing work on human capital formation in China. Xavier Prats Monné, director for employment and Europe 2020 strategy in DG employment, social affairs and equal opportunities at the European Commission, discussed the European Commission’s ongoing work on New Skills and New Jobs, a flagship initiative of the Europe 2020 programme, and Lars Sondergaard, senior economist in the education unit of the World Bank, shared the early findings of the World Bank’s forthcoming Skills Flagship Report due to be published in 2011.

View Photos of The High-Level Working Group on Skills and Human Capital on the Lisbon Council flickr Photostream