June 2016

Financial Services in the Digital Age: How Strengthened Digital Identity Will Open Markets, Drive Innovation and Deliver Growth

What role will electronic identification and e-signatures play in the emerging digital single market? How can common electronic identity standards facilitate the rise of cross-border financial services? How can Europe’s new eIDAS regulation become the backbone of a better, stronger and deeper single market for the digital age?

To answer these timely questions, the European Digital Forum launches Financial Services in the Digital Age: How Strengthened Digital Identity Will Open Markets, Drive Innovation and Deliver Growth. The policy brief – which sets out a seven-step programme for improving online identity procedures as a way of facilitating greater single-market access – was formally launched at the High-Level Conference on a New Leap in the eIDAS Journey: New Trust Services for a Digital Single Market chaired by Andrus Ansip, vice-president of the European Commission for the digital single market.
