October 2022

The State of UserCentriCities: Better Digital Services

UserCentriCities launches The State of UserCentriCities: How Cities and Regions are Creating Better Digital Services by Putting Citizens’ Needs at the Centre, an in-depth look at the state of citizen-centric digital public services in 13 leading European cities and regions (Barcelona, Catalonia, Emilia Romagna, Espoo, Gothenburg, Helsinki, Kyiv, Kronoberg, Madrid, Milan, Murcia, Rotterdam and Tallinn).

The State of UserCentriCities builds on the UserCentriCities Dashboard, a unique online tool for monitoring performance and mapping key initiatives on user-centric digital government across leading local authorities.

The policy brief was launched at the European Week of the Regions and Cities, the annual gathering of leading local administrations, in the presence of Petro Olenych, deputy mayor and chief digital transformation officer, and Oleg Polovynko, chief information officer, of Kyiv.

Download The State of the UserCentriCities Report
