January 2018

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Search

Against the backdrop of an intensifying debate on the future and power of artificial intelligence, the Lisbon Council convened the High-Level Working Lunch on Artificial Intelligence and the Future of SearchBen Gomes, vice-president of search engineering at Google, kicked off the debate with a wide-ranging look at the frontline challenge: what role does search play in the emerging digital society? And how do you keep search results objective and effective in a world where so many people are trying to game the outcome? Carl Buhr, deputy head of the cabinet of Mariya Gabriel, commissioner for digital economy and society, chimed in with a fascinating overview of European Commission plans and priorities. The High-Level Working Lunch was part of a series convened by the Lisbon Council to explore the challenge and opportunity of artificial intelligence. The results will feed into a series of working papers to be published later this year.