July 2015
Driving the Hidden Value of Digital Trade

Two leading think tanks – the Progressive Policy Institute from Washington, DC and the Lisbon Council from Brussels – convened the High-Level Roundtable on Driving the Hidden Value of Digital Trade. At their fourth transatlantic summit – convened as part of PPI and the Lisbon Council’s ongoing think tank dialogue, created to accompany negotiations on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – the two organisations used the occasion to launch Uncovering the Hidden Value of Digital Trade: Towards a 21st Century Agenda of Transatlantic Prosperity, a new policy brief by Paul Hofheinz, president of the Lisbon Council, and Michael Mandel, chief economic strategist of PPI. Later, Elena Bryan, senior trade representative at the U.S. Mission to the European Union; Nele Eichhorn, member of cabinet of Cecilia Malmström, European commissioner for trade; as well as three Members of the European Parliament actively engaged with transatlantic trade issues – Daniel Dalton (ECR-United Kingdom); Jeppe Kofod (S&D-Denmark) and Alessia Mosca (S&D-Italy) – joined Andrew W. Wyckoff, director for science, technology and innovation at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), for a high-level panel on the implications for the emerging trade agreement and the framework that will guide economic life in both regions.
Download Uncovering the Hidden Value of Digital Trade
Download Andrew W. Wyckoff presentation
Download Alessia Mosca speech