December 2010
Innovation Union: European Priorities for the Post-Crisis World

The Lisbon Council concluded the year with a timely event on Innovation Union: European Priorities for the Post-Crisis World. In an insightful opening speech, Vincent van Quickenborne, minister for economy and administrative simplification of Belgium (which currently holds the EU’s rotating presidency), talked about the innovation imperative facing Europe. Anthony D. Williams, senior fellow for innovation at the Lisbon Council, gave a fascinating presentation of Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World, his best-selling book, and Mark Spelman, managing director for global strategy at Accenture, energized the debate with a practitioner’s perspective. Later, Michel Praet, member of President Van Rompuy’s cabinet in charge of research and innovation; Martin Schuurmans, chairman of the board at the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and Rudolf Strohmeier, deputy director-general of DG research at the European Commission, shed light on what the Innovation Union is – and has the potential to be.
Download Anthony Williams’ Presentation
Download Martin Schuurmans’ Presentation
Download Vincent van Quickenborne’ Presentation
View Photos of The 2010 Innovation Summit on the Lisbon Council flickr Photostream