October 2017

Value Creation and the Music Industry: High-Level Working Lunch

The High-Level Working Lunch on Value Creation, Streaming Video and the Music Industry gathered innovators, industry practitioners, thought leaders and national regulators for an evidence-based discussion on intellectual property and the music industry in the digital age. Maud Sacquet, senior manager for public policy at the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA), launched a new CCIA paper on recent growth trends in the music sector and changing economic dynamics. Patrick Smith, partner at RBB Economics, presented new evidence on the market modelling behind music distribution. Jake Beaumont-Nestbitt, policy adviser and former executive director at the International Music Managers Forum (IMMF), gave an artists’ perspective, sharing his hands-on experience as a prominent talent manager in an age of profound change.

Read CCIA’s New Paper on Value Growth and the Music Industry

Download Patrick Smith Presentation

Download Maud Sacquet Presentation