June 2023

European Year of Skills: An All-Society Approach

As the European Year of Skills kicks off a 12-month campaign of research, analysis and advocacy, and new recommendations from the European Commission promise faster action on delivering skills, the Lisbon Council, convened The 2023 Digital Skills Summit.

Georgi Dimitrov, head of unit digital education, directorate-general education, youth, sports and culture, European Commission, presented the key findings of the recommendation – and discussed the next steps. Giorgio Ventre, Scientific Director of the Apple Developer Academy in Naples, discussed the policies, achievements and learnings since the Apple Developer Academy was founded together with University of Naples Federico II in 2016. Eva Maydell, member of the European Parliament and founder of Education Bulgaria 2030, discussed the European Union member-state and European Parliament perspective. Tommaso Dalla Vecchia, development and advocacy manager at European Schoolnet, wrapped up the debate sharing with us European Schoolnet’s view on the European Commission’s work on the crucial pillar that digital skills are as well as insights on the work done by European Schoolnet to promote digital skills.

Download Georgi Dimitrov presentation

Download Giorgio Ventre presentation

Watch Full Debate

Watch Video on Apple Developer Academy (Naples)